The world at large is still very much in need of Charles Dickens’ insights, wisdom and guidance, particularly when it comes to the care and well being of children everywhere. With the full blessing and support of Jeanne Marie Dickens and the Dickens family, Charles Dickens’ enormous popularity and legacy continues into its third century with the globalization of the Charles Dickens Heritage Foundation and the Charles Dickens Heritage merchandising and licensing program.
Building on the tremendous success of this classic brand as first established in the 1990’s, the Charles Dickens Heritage merchandising program is producing high quality replicas of select memorabilia that once belonged to Charles Dickens. Each item is authenticated by the Dickens Family with a limited release, and is made available for purchase through the Charles Dickens Heritage online store and select retail channels and outlets. In addition, the classic and now timeless Charles Dickens Heritage brand, with its striking Heraldic crowned seated Lion with cross is available for global licensing on a wide range of unique products handpicked by the Charles Dickens Heritage Foundation.
Revenues from the sale of Charles Dickens Heritage replicated and licensed merchandise are directed by the Charles Dickens Heritage Foundation to worthy charities, hospitals and institutions around the world that provide refuge, comfort and care to underprivileged, abused and sick children. In Dickens own words: “Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts”.
Charles Dickens… 200 years of social change.
Charles Dickens was rocked by the experiences of his youth. Having had a relatively carefree childhood, at the age of 12 a debt crisis in his family resulted in him having to work for two years in a shoe polish factory, where he experienced first-hand the horrors of child labour. Once Charles Dickens established himself as a literary genius and powerhouse, he dedicated his prowess, fame and influence to expose these deep societal ills, paving the way for incredible social change that still reverberates with us today.
More than 200 years later the Charles Dickens Heritage has teamed up with LSWorks to continue his great child centered philanthropical work by offering the gift of reading to children around the world.